5 Most Common Causes of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Five most common causes of TBI

5 Common Causes of TBIs

The most common causes of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are:

  • Falls

  • Firearm-related injuries,

  • Motor vehicle crashes,

  • Assault

  • Explosions.

According to the CDC, there were approximately 223,135 TBI-related hospitalizations in 2019* and 69,473 TBI-related deaths in 2021. These numbers are equal to 190 TBI-related deaths per day in 2021.

Most common causes of a traumatic brain injury

Did you know that falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries? Falls are often preventable. I have made a list of my favorite tools to decrease falls here! Other common causes include firearm related injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and assault. Falls account for the most TBIs for pediatrics and adults, ages 65 and older. As individuals grow older, the likelihood of falling and experiencing fall-related issues increases. Still, it is possible to prevent a significant number of falls. Find out more about how to prevent falls and the most common cause of falls here (pg 27)!

Examples of traumatic brain injury accidents vary in severity and cause. Blunt trauma incidents, for example being struck by an object or crashing into or with an object or person. These types of incidents are common in contact sports , are a significant cause of TBI. Motor vehicle accidents are the third most common cause of TBI. These incidents include collisions with pedestrians, motor vehicles, or bicycles. Traumatic brain injury examples from assaults or violence include head trauma from domestic abuse, shaken baby syndrome, and gunshot wounds. Assault is the leading cause of TBI-related fatalities in children ages four and younger. Explosions and blasts, often experienced by military service members, have become common sources of TBI.

Tracie Bearden

Tracie is a Denver-based Speech Language Pathologist and Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer with over 14 years of experience. She specializes in working with brain injury survivors in acute care and intensive rehabilitation settings. As the owner of TBI MedSLP, a non-profit organization. Tracie is dedicated to providing accessible and affordable brain injury education to speech pathologists, healthcare providers, and the public. Her work aims to enhance patient outcomes and awareness through comprehensive education.


Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment


What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?